Artificial Intelligence Technologies

6B06104 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Field of education: 6B06 Information and communication technologies
Direction of personnel training: 6B061 Information and communication technologies
Group of educational programs: B057 Information technologies
EP purpose: Train highly qualified personnel with deep knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence, capable of solving tasks in development, application, and management of AI across various fields.
The formed educational outcomes:

  • Applies knowledge of the basics of economics, entrepreneurship, law, anti-corruption culture, and principles of sustainable development in professional activities.
  • Demonstrates knowledge in natural sciences for mathematical modeling, statistical data analysis, and algorithm development.
  • Conducts scientific research using innovative methods, prepares reports, and creates scientific publications in the field of AI.
  • Develops application programs using structured and object-oriented programming technologies.
  • Utilizes modern tools and methods for strategic planning, decision-making, and data analysis in professional tasks.
  • Works with biometric characteristics ensuring high precision and security during identity recognition.
  • Manages network technologies for data security and adapts content management systems.
  • Develops multimedia applications and cloud-deployed solutions using computer technologies.
  • Designs software implementing AI algorithms for data-based decision-making tasks.
  • Models, designs, and develops mechatronic and robotic systems.

Area (sphere) of professional activity: Information and communication technologies.

Types of professional activities:

  • Design and development: Creation of machine learning algorithms and neural networks.
  • Production and technological: Implementation of visual control systems and predictive maintenance solutions.
  • Organizational and managerial: Developing AI integration strategies and ensuring data privacy.
  • Scientific and research: Exploration and development of new AI methods and technologies.
  • Operational: Deployment and configuration of AI systems in organizations.

Objects of professional activity: Machine learning systems, AI-driven solutions, and data analytics platforms.

License number for the direction of training: AB 0137401, date of issue: February 3, 2010. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 299 dated March 28, 2019.


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